lifeTime Sub

$ 99,00

What you’ll learn

  • Create 8 different pieces of content marketing to overcome each potential customer object
  • Write a 3-part email indoctrination series to welcome people to your email list and business
  • Determine the best marketing strategy for the business objective (search vs discovery)
  • Identify and locate their ideal customers online and create a plan to engage with them there


Digital Marketing Mastery will give you the skills, strategy, and resources that will allow you to confidently create marketing that drives results and the ability to grow ANY business.

You’ll discover the proven principles that all great marketing campaigns are built on and learn how to create killer campaigns of your very own.

Learn how to tap into a neverending supply of content ideas and create high converting content that makes sales without sounding “salesy” and the secret to overcoming objections in advance.


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